PinnedIntroductionHardworking Farm Manager bringing 25+ years of experience in the field. Excellent relationship-building, multitasking and organizational…Mar 22, 2021Mar 22, 2021
How to store Fruits & Vegetables after Harvest…After harvesting, it is impossible to improve its quality. Horticultural crop losses due to improper storage and handling can range from…Apr 2, 2021Apr 2, 2021
Growing Ginger in HydroponicGrow in Dutch bucket, light require 16 to 18 hours. All ginger needs is filtered sunlight, warm and humid weather, and rich and moist soil…Mar 24, 2021Mar 24, 2021
The biological role of the earthwormHumus is the basis of the fertility of the soil. But not all substances called humus are “humus”. There is only one kind which provides…Mar 24, 2021Mar 24, 2021
SAVING WATER WITH HYDROPONIC CROPSIn the hydroponic crops, the plants complete their vegetative cycle without the necessity of using the soil. The water with mineral…Mar 22, 2021Mar 22, 2021
What Are Hydroponic Systems and How Do They Work?Hydroponics is the art of gardening without soil. Hydroponics is a Latin word meaning “working water.” In the absence of soil, water goes…Mar 22, 2021Mar 22, 2021